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At St Paul’s, we want children to establish an appreciation and love of reading at all stages of their learning journey. We are committed to sharing high quality and vocabulary-rich texts across the curriculum so that children may develop knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live. We encourage our pupils to discover new information and develop their comprehension skills by reading widely using both fiction and non-fiction texts which (where possible) are linked to their topics across the curriculum. We are lucky to have a wide range of books in school and class teachers select books to read aloud based on personal choices or suggestions from pupils. By the time our pupils leave St Paul's, we envisage that they will be competent readers who can recommend books to their peers, seek out books from a range of different genres including poetry and engage in discussion about authorial choices or impact on the reader. Once our pupils have unlocked the key to reading here with us at St Paul's, it is our intention that they will be able to apply their reading skills in order to access any subject in their secondary education and beyond.

  • Our whole class reading approach is based around the VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summarising/Sequencing) reading comprehension skills.


  • Each lesson focuses on one particular skill and children are given opportunity to apply the skill to a carefully selected age appropriate text.


  • At the start of week, in order to help develop the fluency and performance of reading, we have adopted the practise of ‘echo reading’ with our children.


  • A ‘Big Read’ is carried out on a regular cycle (every 2 weeks). The children’s progress is assessed through formative assessment and summatively three times each year.


  • Our school aims to give every child the opportunity to read 1:1 with an adult at least once a week.


  • We instill a love of reading in our children by giving them various opportunities to read for pleasure and we provide a variety of experiences around reading.


  • Each child in school is given the opportunity to visit the local library and make their own informed choices of reading material.


  • Every child in school is given reading for pleasure time where by the children are engaged in a class text or personal reading for pleasure time. Every classroom across school has an enticing and exciting reading area containing a rich variety of reading material.


  • Reading is encouraged in a cross curricular context in order to develop subject knowledge, build vocabulary and give the children the opportunity to apply their skills across the curriculum in a way that will enhance the curriculum area.





  • Children who enjoy Reading.


  • Children who are phonetically confident and are able to comprehend what they have read.


  • Children who are fluent readers.


  • Children who are able to use appropriate expression and intonation.


  • Children who are independent learners and can use a range of skills to help them to learn.


  • Children who can apply reading skills confidently in a range of subjects across the curriculum.


  • Children who are confident in accessing public services such as local libraries.


  • Children who achieve high attainment, in line with the national standard or better.

What to expect from Reading Lessons 
Once children graduate from Read Write Inc, they move onto class reading lessons. Sessions are planned using stimuli from a range of exciting, engaging and vocabulary-rich books; these are taken from our St Paul's Reading Spine (see below). Children will then experience a two-week cycle of teaching, planned to link directly to the reading domains for the end of their current Key Stage.  These sessions are pacey, interactive and allow for children to ask, and answer, a wide range of questions aimed to develop their comprehension.
Key Stage One Reading Domains:
KS1 Teaching Sequence:
KS1 Question stems:
Key Stage Two Reading Domains:
Key Stage Two Teaching Sequence:
Key Stage Two Question stems:
St Paul's Home Reading:
 Children will bring home two reading books:
1. Reading book linked to the St Paul's Reading Scheme (See below)
2. Library book of their choosing
Please encourage children to read for a minimum of 10-15 minutes each night and ensure that their Reading Records are signed. 
Promoting a love of reading at St Paul's:
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