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Building each other up - with God as our firm foundation Thessalonians 5: 11
Latest News
Jun 9
Weekly Notices 10.06.2024
Take a look at our notice board to see what's coming up in the week ahead...
Jun 2
Weekly Notices 03/06/2024
Here is a look at the week ahead…
May 19
Weekly Notices 20.05.2024
What a lovely sunny weekend! Here is this week‘s notice board…On Tuesday we also have Year 4s’ Singing in the Halls visit - please give...
May 12
Weekly Notices 13.05.2024
What’s coming up this week…?
May 6
Weekly Notices 07.05.2024
Here is this week’s notice board…
Apr 28
Weekly Notices 29.04.2024
Please see below for a look at the week ahead…
Apr 21
Weekly Notices 22.04.2024
Here is a look at the week ahead…
Apr 14
Weekly Notices 15.04.2024
Here is a look at what’s on in the week ahead….
Apr 8
Weekly Notices 08/04/2024
Please see below for information about the week ahead…
Mar 18
Weekly Notices: 18/03/2024
Please see below for what's coming up this week...
Mar 10
Weekly Notices - 11/03/2024
Here is a look at the week ahead...
Mar 4
Weekly Notices: 04.03.2024
A look at the week ahead - find out what's on below...
Feb 26
Weekly notices 26.02.2024
Please see out noticeboard below for what's on this week...
Feb 18
Weekly notices 19/02/2024
Welcome back to school! Here's a look at the week ahead...
Feb 4
Weekly notices 05/02/2024
Please see below for what's happening in the week ahead...
Jan 28
Weekly notices 29/01/2024
Wow - who can believe we'll be saying 'goodbye' to January this week?! Here's what's coming up....
Jan 21
Weekly notices 22/01/24
Please see below for our weekly notices :-)
Jan 15
Weekly notices 15/01/2024
Please see below for this week's noticeboard...
Jan 5
Weekly Notices - 08/01/2024
Please see below for the first week back at school...
Dec 16, 2023
Weekly notices - 18/12/23
Here are the notices for this week - our final week of the Autumn term!
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